- Modem China's vocal music 中国现代声乐艺术
- I like instrumental music better than vocal music. 我喜欢器乐胜于声乐。
- Vocal music was not interdicted. 声乐不在禁止之列。
- When we say that Vanke' s decision was a benchmark in the establishment of a modem China, we do not only stress the benevolence of the company. 当我们说万科的决定是建立现代中国的一条准绳的时候,我们并不仅仅强调公司的慈善。
- Vocal music esthetics subordinates in music esthetics, is music esthetics subordinate"s branch discipline. 声乐美学隶属于音乐美学,是音乐美学下属的分支学科。
- The development of vocal music in China is helpful to globalization and nationalization of bel canto and to the improvement of national quality. 发展中国美声,有利于美声唱法的世界化,有利于美声唱法的民族化,有利于国民艺术素质的提高。但是美声唱法在中国的发展存在不少问题。
- Building socialistic harmonious society is the inner requirement of the social development of modem China. 摘要构建社会主义和谐社会是当代中国社会发展的内在要求。
- European vocal music in the 16th century developed from its essence. 16世纪的欧洲声乐艺术从内质上得到了空前的发展。
- Chen Cuangfu is a weell-known financier, entrepreneur and social activist in modem China. 摘要陈光甫是中国现代著名的金融家、企业家和社会活动家。
- In the teaching of vocal music,how to make the students grasp it more quickly? 在声乐教学中,如何使学生尽快地理解和掌握胸腹式联合呼吸法?
- Bird’s vocal system is the simple model of studying human language phonation and it can give thought to the construct prosthetics, etc. 鸟类发声系统是人类语言发声系统的简单模型,能为修复外科等学科的研究提供借鉴。
- Modem China, mistreated and invaded by many big powers, was an unrest society with a corrupt officialdom. 摘要近代中国是一个动荡不安的社会,官场腐败、国家贫弱、屡遭列强欺凌。
- Counsels professor the opera aria and the vocal music sings the skill. 辅导教授歌剧咏叹调和声乐演唱技巧。
- Because of liking it, vocal music I have been over 8 steps very relaxedly. 因为喜欢,声乐我很轻松地过了8级。
- Chen pointed out in his papers that the dilemma of land ownership and land usufruct was the core problem of land issues in modem China. 陈翰笙著文分析了中国的农村经济,指出土地所有和土地使用的矛盾是现代中国土地问题的核心。
- It’s fairly straightforward but the lyrics and Lennon’s vocal delivery (particularly his mumbling at the end of the song) express his restlessness and frustration so perfectly. 这是一首非常直接的歌曲,而且歌词及蓝侬的嗓音(尤其是他在歌曲结尾的喃喃呓语)完美表达出他的疲惫与挫折。
- To explore and study the scientism tendency and influence on education since modem China can be significant in China's educational modernization. 探讨中国近代以来教育中的这种科学主义倾向及其影响,对我国目前如何走向教育现代化具有十分重要的意义。
- The only drawback was that the mobile microphone and the sound system were less than perfect, causing Lee Hom’s vocal to sound too jarring at times and muted at others. 唯一的缺憾是移动麦克风和声音系统不够完美,使得力宏的声音听上去时而刺耳时而模糊。
- I like vocal music. 我喜欢声乐。
- The frequent occurrences of natural disasters, famines and poverty aggravated all kinds of social contradictions in modem China. 摘要近代中国自然灾害频发,灾荒与贫困加剧了各种社会矛盾。